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Leash Training

Writer: GraceWood FarmGraceWood Farm

Who doesn't love going on a pleasant stroll with their puppy through the park, around the pond, or to the coffee shop down the road? It's fun and relaxing to go walking and exploring with your dog. People take their dogs on hikes, walks, runs, and to the park, but this requires a little something called leash training. Without leash training, people couldn't take their dogs anywhere! Let's dive deeper into what this looks like.

Why Leash Train?

“Why would I put effort into leash training?” You may ask. Leash training is not very hard; in fact ( though it has its challenges), it's pretty easy. Our dogs need to exercise, whether running around in the backyard with the kids or going for a walk. Being able to run or walk with the dog means having a leash-trained dog. Going out and about with our furry friends is a great way to get them the exercise they need. Another reason is travel; traveling is part of everyone's life. Whether it's going to see a family member, visiting a national park, or going out of town for the weekend to get away, many people want to bring their dogs along. Having the ability to be on a leash and behave will do wonders for rest-stops, getting out of the car, and when seeing other dogs and people ( dogs always want to socialize with other dogs and people) going on trails, and much much much more. Other reasons are guests, vet visits, potty time, it helps with additional training, and the list could go on; we can say that leash training is essential to every pup's activity and will do wonders for all kinds of occasions!

What is leash training?

Leash training is simple; it's training your puppy to handle, behave, and respond to a leash. The first time you put your dog on a leash, he won't understand what is happening. But with time and practice, they will begin to understand. Dogs will try to eat the leash, play with it, run away from it, and even take it and walk themselves. Your job is to tell them no when they try and chew on the leash or run away from it. They need to learn that it is not a toy. They also need to know that they should stay on pace with you; they shouldn't try to run ahead of you or lag very far behind you. Of Course, if we are walking too fast for our dogs, we should slow down, and if they need to get their energy out, we should try something faster. This doesn't mean that the dog should be walking you, you should always be in control, and if not, accidents can happen, especially in busy areas. Once your puppy understands what he can and can't do on the leash and what the leash even is, then the leash is no problem, and walks are as easy as ever!

How does it affect your pup?

“ What is this weird contraption I can't seem to get away from? ”This is what your dog seems to be saying as it looks you in the eyes with confusion the first time you put the leash on and try going for a walk. Puppies love to play and will find a way to play with anything and everything. So when it comes to leash training, it's an opportunity to play! They want to help you hold the leash, chew the leash, run and see how it chases them and all kinds of things. We need to teach them that the leash shows their restraints and boundaries. You can go out and do things safely and comfortably with your dog. The leash doesn't harm your dog in any way, even though they may be dramatic about it. Some dogs hate the leash when you start using it, and others like it. Most of the time, dogs don't like the leash because it's new, and they don't understand and are nervous about the new contraption. Overall when they get used to it, there are no problems. Once they know how it works, what it is for, and what it means, then going on the leash is no problem. When you first start leash training, your dog will pull on the leash and drag you behind them, or they will lie on the ground and won't move; that's why it's best to start when they are still little. Overall it's pretty easy for your puppy to get used to, and it's no big deal!

Wrap Up

When it comes to the leash, it's honestly quite simple. After working with our dogs on a leash for the first couple of weeks, they get used to it. Once they know they need to be on pace with you, that it's not a toy, and that it isn't there to harm them, they are excellent. At first, they may not like the restraints, but with consistency, they will get used to them. Ultimately, it's a great thing for us and our dogs because we get more quality time and exercise. Leash training isn't difficult; it's all about persistence and ensuring you walk your dog and don't walk you. Taking our dogs on walks and wherever we go is excellent, and I wouldn't take it for granted!

If your home is missing a sweet little fur baby, Grace Wood Farm can help! Check out our Available Puppies page to see photos of adorable puppies available to go home today! Our locations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Ohio have litters born every season. We are happy to add your name to our waitlist for Standard Sheepadoodles, Mini Sheepadoodles, Micro Sheepadoodles, Micro Bernedoodles, and Pooches! For more information on joining the Grace Wood Farm Family, please call us at 803-888-4149.

About The Author

Hadassah Stasi is the oldest of six children in the Stasi Tribe and has spent most of her life around the dogs of Grace Wood Farm. She has attended countless births, raised more puppies than she can count, and done more than her fair share of farm chores. She has naturally developed an understanding of the nature of dogs, their needs, and the best training practices. She enjoys sharing the knowledge she has gained from her experience through writing and teaching others. Already a world traveler, Haddasah lives in Nairobi, Kenya, and is building her expertise in training African rescue dogs.



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